7 Ekim 2015 Çarşamba

İsviçre Yargısı ve Resmi makamlarına Platini/UEFA Şikayeti

Değerli arkadaşlar,

Uzun zamandır ara vermiş olduğumuz mail kampanyalarına Fifa Etik Komitesi'nin Blatter ve Platini hakkında başlattığı soruşturma üzerine İsviçre savcılığına bir kaç gün önce yaptığımız suç duyurusu ile geri dönüş yaptık.

Bugün Fifa kanadından gelen haberlerle Fifa Etik Komitesi'nin Blatter'i 90 gün süreyle men etme tavsiyesi sunduğunu ve yarın Hakim Eckert'in konuyu karara bağlayacağını öğrendik. Aynı davada soruşturma kapsamında olan Platini'nin de büyük ihtimalle ceza alması bekleniyor.

Bizler de bu noktada İsviçre savcılığına Platini ve UEFA hakkında yaptığımız suç duyurusunu İsviçre'deki bütün yargı makamlarına taşıyarak şike davasında yaptıkları usulsüzlükleri tekrar duyurmak istedik.

Bu durum Platini hakkında ceza verilme ihtimali arttıracağı gibi Platini'nin ceza alması durumunda Fifa başkanlığı yolunu da kapatacaktır. Ayrıca ilgili makamların Platini hakkında şike davasındaki usulsüzlüğü de göz önüne alarak farklı bir soruşturma başlatmasını da umut ediyoruz.

Destekleriniz için şimdiden teşekkür ederiz.

E-mail Konu Başlığı: More corruption information regarding Michel Platini

Email Metni:

Dear Sir/Madam;

We have found out that Fifa Ethical Committee and Swiss Attorney General opened an investigation regarding a corruption they may have been involved. In addition, Mr. Lauber replied to a question asking whether the UEFA Head Quarters in Nyon would be searched or not; "If I have enough elements to go there, I could not exclude that" [1].

At this stage, We would like to inform Swiss Attorney General Mr. Lauber and all other officers in charge of this investigation regarding the Turkish match fixing scandal occured during the 2010-2011 football season. We think, it will be a big help for the prosecuters to see dark side of UEFA, Mr. Platini and Mr. Senes Erzik, who had dirty negotiations with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan to protect the teams involved in match fixing.

As you all are aware, Turkish match fixing case has been dragging for over four years and neither Turkish Football Federation nor UEFA applied the necessary sanctions to teams and individuals involved in match fixing.

Please see the link for deatils: http://www.sportingintelligence.com/2014/09/18/anyone-would-think-uefa-and-a-vice-president-condone-match-fixing-190901/
The reasons why we are suspicious about UEFA and Mr. Platini for wrong donings at match fixing case:

1) Failure to punish those who committed the crime of match-fixing. In the article 246 of CAS 2013/A/3256 document [2], UEFA said that “certain persons were engaged in the fixing of certain matches”. UEFA's inspector Fernandes Palacios requested life time ban for 5 of fenerbahçe's executives, but UEFA asked for individuals report related to each one of them [3]. It has been over 27 months and UEFA is yet to penalise individuals involved in match fixing. These indivials are still functioning in Turkish football.

2) To apply sanctions against a federation which does not penalise match fixers. According to the Turkish Football Federation Disciplinary Code 56/1(b): Teams, whose board members are involved in match fixing or bribery, must be relegated to a lower division [4]. Yet the TFF failed to apply this code and UEFA has not applied pressure to make it happen. The TFF signed UEFA’s ‘Astana Resolution’ alongside other European federations on 27 March 2014 [5]. According to clauses 5f, 5g and 10 of the Astana Resolution the course of action is clear for the TFF – action must be taken against individuals. According to the Turkish Football Federation Status Article 2/f: The TFF has
to obey the verdicts of UEFA and FIFA and make sure all parties guilty of fixing, including clubs, players, managers, officials and so on, also adhere to these verdicts too. They have not. TFF failing to obey all these rules, including the Astana Resolution, and UEFA keeping quite about it only brings one idea in mind: 'Is UEFA bribed to help TFF to protect match fixers?'

3) To give the minimum penalty to the teams involved in match fixing. As stated in CAS Award [2] regarding the fenerbahçe case UEFA clearly protected Fenerbahçe and applied the minimum penalty possible. CAS states at clauses 575-576-577 of the award, UEFA should have penalised fenerbahçe up to 8 years for match fixing, but UEFA chose the penalise them for only 2 years and prevented CAS to give stronger sanctions by not appealing to CAS. Related articles of CAS documents:

575. In practise, this spectrum would mean that a "standard" match-fixing offence would, in principle, have to be sanctioned with a two-year period of ineligibility. In case of particularly serious match-fixing offences a higher sanction would have to be imposed and in case of mitigating circumstances the standard two-year period of ineligibility would have to be reduced.

576. In light of this spectrum of sanctions and considering that the match-fixing attempts initiated by Fenerbahce's officials were particularly serious in comparison with previous match-fixing cases, the Panel has no doubt to determine that a sanction from the higher region of this spectrum is warranted. The Panel thereby specifically considers the fact that Fenerbahce officials attempted to fix four matches, that multiple high-ranked Fenerbahce officials were involved in the match-fixing scheme and that the match-fixing operations were conducted and orchestrated from the top administrative level of the club.

577. However, as UEFA did not file an independent appeal against the Appealed Decision, the Panel finds that it is limited in its discretion to sanction Fenerbahce as it deems fit because it cannot go beyond the sanction imposed by the UEFA Appeals Body. This would constitute a ruling ultra petita. As such, the Panel cannot impose a higher sanction than a two-year period of ineligibility (in addition to the period of ineligibility already served through the equivalent of the "administrative measure") in the present appeals arbitration proceedings.

4) Just investigating a few of the matches out of several match fixing activities. As stated in CAS Award [2] article 140-141-142, UEFA has just investigated a few of the matches out of several match-fixing activities of Turkish match-fixing scandal.

5) The speeces of Mr. Senes Erzik, UEFA ex Vice President, regarding the match fixing scandal. In the article [6], Erzik makes an announcement regarding Fenerbahce’s invitation to the Champions League for the 2012-2013 season (after first ban, before
second ban) and stresses out his work in this success! Also in another article [7], he said that “I'm not impartial because I am a Turk”. Morever, Şenes Erzik complains about the mails sent to UEFA by Turkish fans and declares these mails as ‘not nice’ as these mails are shown to his at UEFA as a proof of people want Turkish teams to be penalised [8]. Also, he askes all clubs to bach Mr. Yıldırım Demiören ( Presidents of TFF) in this case.

6) UEFA Integrity platform has been blocking all applications that involves the words; “Turkish”, and “Turkey” for 2 years. UEFA rejects people, who file in a complaining report regarding Turkish match fixing case at the Integrity line run by UEFA. (https://uefa.integrityline.org/# ). They either use filter for “Turkey”, “Turkish” words so people can not proceed with their application or delete the completed forms. The applications which overcome the blocking have not been replied back for over two years. All applications have been deleted of the system by UEFA.

UEFA and FIFA are obliged to protect the integrity of the game and make sure all federations run according to the rules and regulations and apply disciplinary procedures when necessary, but this has not been the case so far.

Therefore, We would like you to investigate UEFA and Mr Platini in depth, to search for all e-mails, faxes, letters and phonecalls, alongside the money transactions into and out of their bank accounts. More importantly, we would like you to look into the relations between Mr. Platini and Turkish authorities which UEFA ex vice president Senes Erzik had arranged.

Best regards

[1] http://in.reuters.com/article/2015/09/29/soccer-fifa-swiss-idINKCN0RT2EI20150929

[2] http://www.tas-cas.org/fileadmin/user_upload/Award_3256_FINAL_internet.pdf

[3] http://www.uefa.org/disciplinary/news/newsid=1967131.html

[4] http://www.tff.org/Resources/TFF/Documents/TALIMATLAR/Futbol-Disiplin-Talimati.pdf

[5] http://www.uefa.org/MultimediaFiles/Download/uefaorg/MatchFixPrev/02/07/89/27/2078927_DOWNLOAD.pdf

[6] http://www.hurriyet.com.tr/spor/futbol/20821955.asp

[7] http://www.ntvspor.net/haber/futbol/67281/turkiyenin-men-edilme-ihtimali-yoktu

[8] http://www.habervitrini.com/spor/senes-erzik-artci-soklar-surebilir-614016/

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